Encore chez moi

Slightly playing hookey today after a trip starting last weekend and 15 hours of work plus travel yesterday, which adds up to 39 hours worked this week already. After three-plus decades in the working world, at least two as a senior professional knowledge-worker (meaning, salaried and working/thinking more-or-less all the time about things that relate to work and contribute value to my employer, but paid only for 40 hours a week), our current team finds ourselves essentially reporting to a person who does not understand what we do, has no interest in what we do, and neither grasps nor concedes that it is difficult, stressful, occurs beyond office hours, and occasionally demands comp time. It's like being forced back to kindergarten, and as I recall that setting was a challenge for me even when I was five. (I already knew how to read, and they really didn't know what to do with me.)

My better half is coming up tonight to start the weekend early - we have so much to do, with the house and moving stuff versus stuff we're leaving for my sister, and cleaning, and more! But we will probably end up puttering and going around the shops and estate sales, plus I hope getting together with sisters, probably on Saturday. We are living through a blessed time in our lives, after decades of stress and strain, and thank God every day for bringing us through those difficult valleys. We thank God for the present moments and for everything He has worked in and through us, preparing us for the days ahead. Amen!


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